About us

dr Martin Jaeger
was born in Central Germany in 1985 and has been interested in all kinds of martial arts since he was young. However, Olympic boxing was always the focus. After his studies, he was able to actively work as a ring doctor himself.
As a trauma surgeon and orthopaedist, he has many years of experience in treating injuries of all kinds. As the initiator of ring doctor and cutman training, he continues to pursue this passion and enthusiastically passes on his knowledge and experience to others.
As part of the ring doctor and cutman training, Martin devotes himself primarily to imparting content regarding the management of emergency situations in and on the ring.
In addition to the training of ring doctors and cutman, Martin has many years of experience as a cutman, ring and team doctor at international level and has also worked for many years as a doctor for the association.
dr Martin Jäger, managing director/board member/trainer

Henning Krollpfeiffer
was born in 1985 in a small town in northern Germany. He has been an active judoka since childhood and has a general affinity for martial arts.
After studying medicine in Dresden, he began his professional career in Hanover and has been working as a trauma surgeon and orthopedist at a national trauma center in the Black Forest since 2016.
Henning has many years of experience as a ring and team doctor at international level and in the training of ring doctors and cutmen. As part of the ring doctor and cutman training, Henning dedicates himself primarily to conveying content relating to injuries associated with martial arts.
In addition, he worked for many years as the association doctor.
Henning Krollpfeiffer, general manager/trainer

Michael Smith
was born in Gelsenkirchen in 1969.
At a young age he was always interested in various sports and actively pursued them. He also works as a lecturer, journalist and in medicine sales.
With the German champion and internationally successful boxer; Michael Kopzog; it came to his first steps in Olympic boxing. His affinity was earlier in the field of care and training.
After his state examination as a physiotherapist and a sports physiotherapy internship at FC Schalke 04, as well as a station as a physiotherapist for the German national powerlifting team, he worked in many areas of martial arts in corner support, and initially as a physiotherapist.
In 2003 and 2004 he gave professional tape courses for American football professionals and their coaches. In 2009 he held the first “Cut & Corner” courses. The basis of his course content is now used by many of his former students, who now teach courses themselves, as the basis for their training.
He was the founder of the "German Cutman Association", which was later dissolved after the founding of the "International Cutman Association". He is also the co-initiator and co-founder of the “World Cutman Association”. As a book author, he published the book "Cutman, a round longer" in 2012, which he sold with great success.
Michael Schmidt is THE source of ideas for new treatment methods and tape techniques in the field of martial arts, which, following his example, has resulted in new international trends and changes of direction, especially in the area of hygiene and professional bandaging. Michael's knowledge and experience is a real asset to us in the cutman training sector.
We are pleased to welcome him to our team.
Michael Schmidt, Trainer/Quality Assurance
what do we stand for
We are committed to the comprehensive improvement of medical care in and around the Ring. Both in terms of quality and quantity.
In various martial arts ring doctors are absolutely necessary for the implementation of an event. However, finding qualified ringside doctors is a common and widespread problem. Since we met in 2016 during a training course in Graz, the idea of tackling this problem together came up over time and the Ringside Doc platform was born.
What do we offer?
With ringside-doc.de we offer a platform for placing well-trained ringside doctors and cutmen/cutwomen. The ring doctors and cutmen/cutwomen registered on this platform are thoroughly checked for their qualifications during the registration process and only then released for the placement process.
In addition, Ringsidedoc.de offers the organizers of martial arts events the opportunity to easily and conveniently recruit a suitable ring doctor or cutman/cutwoman for an event from a large pool.
A wide range of necessary materials for ring doctor and cutman work in and around the ring can also be obtained from our shop. The products listed there have been thoroughly tested for their practical suitability and are also used in our ring doctor and cutman training. Products available on the market that do not meet our quality standards are not offered in the shop. Instead, we have taken the trouble to have cutman materials manufactured specifically according to the needs of cutmen and athletes.
Ringsidedoc.de bundles all resources for the best possible medical care of the athletes by arranging ring doctors, cutmen/cutwomen and selling the necessary materials. Because protecting the health of the athletes is the top priority for the Ringside Doc team.customers. Describe a product, make announcements, or welcome customers to your store.